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With more than 60 years of experience, Porro Metalli SpA is a solid enterprise of the circular economy. Its roots are located in the metal-mechanical district of northern Italy and of the european siderurgical market.

Circular Economy - What We Do
Porro Fulvio Commercio Rottami Ferrosi (54)
Porro Metalli Spa_edited
WhatsApp Image 2023-10-10 at 09.10.36
Porro Fulvio Commercio Rottami Ferrosi (48)
Tons yearly treated
squared meters of under-roof area facility
Ancora Compay


Our story

Our firm was launched in 1954 in Erba, in the province of Como (Italy) thanks to the determination of the founders couple Fulvio Porro and Adele Brenna.

Initially active in construction materials trading, following the market demand the company moves towards ferrous and non ferrous scrap metals trading. 

In 2015 the new facility has become available to meet raising capacity needed and a renewal in the fleet.

Once at third generation of administration, the company is still family-owned.

New Facility  

In Jan. 2015 the company moved to the new facilty in via Pontida, Erba (CO). Wide spaces and modern machineries to guarantee necessary innovation in a developing market, where economies of scale gain importance. The whole structure is built with state-of-the-art quality and safety standards.


New Facility  

In Jan. 2015 the company moved to the new facility in via Pontida, Erba (CO). Wide spaces and modern machineries to guarantee necessary innovation in a developing market, where economies of scale gain importance. The whole structure is built with state-of-the-art quality and safety standards.

The different shapes and sizes of materials from machine and industrial plant demolition require customised solutions for their processing. This is done in compliance with applicable safety and environmental regulations.

Our facility is certified by the REAEE CDC as a WEEE R2 treatment centre.

Porro Metalli SpA maintaned thrugh the last 60 years a clear engagement towards sustainability, both social and environmental.
Responsibility and its role in the local society fabric are the pride of the administration and a warranty for stakeholders, who demonstrated affection and durability of relationships.
The company is UNI EN ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certified.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015  guarantees that our quality management system complies with international standards.
UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certifies that our environmental management system meets international standards.
UNI EN ISO 45001: 2023 Acknowledges that our occupational health and safety management system complies with international standards.
Ancora Materials


Ancora Contacts


VAT number - Vat Registration 03067920136

Fax +39 031 610715

Phone +39 031 641691

Via Pontida, snc, Erba (Como) - Italy

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